Municipal Run Medical Clinic: a potential model for Saanich

A recent Times-Colonist article here describes how Colwood has hired a family physician for its first municipally run medical clinic.

The goal is for the clinic to be able to take on 10,000 patients from an estimated 14,000 people in Colwood who currently don’t have a family doctor.

After talking with physicians, the city concluded that if it could take over some of the paperwork and business aspects of a family practice and provide a pension and benefits, it might encourage physicians to stay, Kobayashi said.

Times-Colonist article

If you’ve been keeping up on CCA board minutes and local news, you’ll be aware of the Shelbourne medical clinic that shut down not that long ago and the board’s conversations on this topic since then.

The big question for us in Saanich: is Colwood’s model one that Saanich is prepared to follow to attract more family physicians into our otherwise underserved municipality?

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