Abstract Developments will be hosting a Community Update for their new multi-family housing proposal at the corner of Freeman Ave and Shelbourne St.
This is a significant rezoning and development application, described as: To rezone from RS-6 (Single Family Dwelling) to a New Comprehensive Zone to Construct a 101 Unit Condo and 6, 3-Storey Townhouse. Recent changes to the application have reduced the number of homes from 101 to 95 and there are no longer townhomes in the design.

At this meeting, Abstract will share the details of their latest submission to the District of Saanich for Rezoning and Development Permit Applications.
To learn more, join the Online Meeting on Thursday, February 24th, 2022 from 6:00 – 7:30 pm.
You may prepare for this meeting by reviewing the (now outdated) information available on the Saanich website at this page, and scrolling to the specific application (image below, courtesy saanich.ca), or use the links below copied from the Saanich site page to access the applicant’s submissions directly. Note that this should be considered background material, as Abstract has modified the application but Saanich has yet to update the applicant’s info on the Saanich website.

The changes to the application, and the drivers thereof, are explained here in an invitaton to this online meeting.
To register your interest in attending this online event please e-mail: bclark@abstractdevelopments.com
Please RSVP by 4:30 pm on Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022.