Kings Community Nature Space: Volunteers Needed

Volunteers with a lot of pull are are sought for an event that will take place at the Kings Community Nature Space (ex Hydro fields).

WhenThursday, Nov. 16, 10 am to noon
WhereKings Community Nature Space, 1843 Kings Road, Victoria

The focus of this event will be to remove invasive plants such as English Ivy Hedera helix and Daphne / Spurge Laurel Daphne laureola from the south-east corner of the space, working north toward Kings Rd.

In February and March of next year, the area will be replanted with native plants supplied via a BC Hydro grant, and Saanich Parks staff will direct, assist and hopefully educate volunteers at that future event.

For additional information, please see this Saanich Pulling Together page.

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