has posted an online petition for you to sign and a plea to our Saanich Mayor and Council, Directors of the CRD and the MLAs of British Columbia to preserve the BC Hydro property known locally as Kings Road Park as green space for our community.
We the undersigned urge the city of Saanich to work with the Province and CRD to acquire this BC Hydro owned property, slated for imminent sale, and preserve the green space in its entirety as a municipal park.
The CCA urges you to sign this petition. With the planned subdivision of two SD61 school properties within the CCA’s boundaries, our local green space is already diminishing.
Why is this important?
This green space is used by hundreds of residents every day, is home to numerous bird and pollinating species, and has been treated as a park for the past 68 years. The area contains a creek, its riparian zone and floodplain.
Lets keep Saanich green!